Sam Time: History Professor Slips into the Past and Befriends Ulysses S. Grant by Donna Balon

Disclaimer: I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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This book came to me through a book review site and I was happy it found me.

Book Description

Samantha (Sam) Hunter is living two lives. When her fiancĂ© is away on business, lonely Samantha despairs and absorbs herself in historical research. At night her dreams are so vivid, Samantha believes she’s traveling to the 19th century. As she navigates the Victorian era rules of dos and even more don’ts, she charms Ulysses S Grant while struggling to maintain her present-day romance.

The plot traverses between the present and past as Samantha seeks purpose and proof of her extraordinary adventures. The time-travel story follows the life of Ulysses S. Grant; the dates, places, and events closely align with his real life.

About Donna Balon

Donna Balon believes the best vacations transport her back in time. So can a good book. During a trip to Colorado’s old mining towns, Donna conceived the Sam Time story. Her recent life has been consumed with reading and researching Ulysses S Grant and Victorian customs. She sought out top talent from the publishing industry to collaborate in the book’s production. As a former accountant and tax attorney, Donna may be an unlikely author who has published a likable novel.

My Thoughts

I was excited to read this book. I love a good time travel book. 

When I first opened this book to read I wasn't sure what to expect. But I soon became so completely absorbed in this story that I devoured it in 2 days. 

Our lead character Samantha is fun-loving, with a quirky sense of humor. She meets Aaron and begins a relationship with him. However, during her time she is drawn into the past through her dreams. She becomes involved in the life of Ulysses S. Grant. As Samantha goes between the two times she tries balancing present life with past life. 

I enjoyed this story because I felt the author knew her subject well. She entwined past with present beautifully. I was so taken that I lost track of time reading and the author's writing transported me to a different time. 

The supporting characters in the book were well written but did not take from the lead character. The description given by the author made me feel like I was there. Plus the incorporation of times, events, and what was happening was very interesting to me. 

I so enjoy a book that keeps you so involved you have a difficult time putting is down and Donna did this for me. Every time I put the book down I was excited to get back to it. That to me is a sign of a great author that they keep you so entertained you are sad when the book is over. 

Overall, this book is beautifully written and one I would recommend grabbing to read. 

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1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled you like my book! Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your inspiring thoughts.
