A Duke for Diana by :Sabrina Jeffries


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I discovered Sabrina Jeffries through a mutual online reading buddy. She suggested I read one of her books and I immediately took a liking to her writing. So when I saw this book I took another chance on this author. 

Book Description

Self-made civil engineer Geoffrey Brookhouse has unexpectedly inherited the dukedom of Grenwood. But he has a secret that could ruin his family. Hoping to save his timid sister from that fate, he seeks to marry her off to a respectable, protective gentleman. With the London Season imminent, Geoffrey hires Elegant Occasions to orchestrate her debut. Yet Lady Diana Harper, spirited fashion expert, proves more than he bargained for. Suddenly, Geoffrey’s sister is emerging from her shell, and he is beleaguered with social invitations and gossip! Worse, Diana is attempting to transform him into a presentable duke—when all he really wants is to win her heart...

Diana doesn’t know what to make of the handsome, disheveled duke. The man bristles at the very idea that his fashion faux pas might spoil his sister’s chances. Yet Geoffrey’s stubbornness simply inspires Diana to ruffle his feathers—by setting him on a course of self-improvement. Although there’s something endearing, even irresistible about his flaws, can a man who hates the ton tolerate a woman who makes her living catering to them? Little does either know that they have more in common than they suspect—and that two can create a society all their own...

About Sabrina Jeffries

At the tender age of twelve, Sabrina Jeffries decided she wanted to be a romance writer. It took her eighteen more years and a boring stint in graduate school before she sold her first book, but now her sexy and humorous historical romances routinely land on the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists and have won several awards. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and son, where she writes full-time and is working on her next novel.

My Thoughts

My first thought when I started reading this book was that our heroine was going to be a real joy. I loved she knew who she was and wnt she wanted. I also enjoyed that the author wrote her as a woman I could relate to in both how she viewed the world and in her body image.  All the women in this story were real women, not some size 0 who were lawless. I loved that our characters were slightly flawed. 

That leads me to our hero. he to was not the typical hero. He was born into a working-class family that prided itself on knowledge, not the title. I also felt the author did a great job touching on depression and the results of it if left untreated.

This book from beginning o end was so good. I related to each character and loved seeing the passion build between the two characters. 

I felt our heroine knew what she wanted and knew where she saw herself. The two lead characters were a beautiful pairing and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of their journey to finding love and happily ever after.

I can't wait to read another book from Sabrina I had forgotten how much I enjoyed her writing. 

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